ACHES - to protect human and environmental wellbeing


Doctors used to recommend smoking in hospitals and the Government said Asbestos was safe!

They don’t say that now thanks to the truth !

ACHES was set up to promote, enhance and protect human and environmental wellbeing.  ACHES aims to ensure those in power respect human dignity, health and individual rights. 

Many feel that in the area of  Telecom mast planning applications true democracy is being ignored.

ACHES was established to be a forum to discuss legal, medical

and scientific information regarding current and emerging technologies.

The subjects we currently cover include:

The legal liability of national and local government.

The validity of some planning applications made to local councils.

Protecting and enhancing the health and wellbeing of UK citizens.

The opinions of some medical doctors regarding technology being introduced.

ACHES is a not for profit limited company funded by donation and not supported or

influenced by any sector of industry or government.

Society: Controlled or Free? An ACHES London event:April 2024

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Useful videos including from past ACHES events

Councils & Planning


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Is our future being planned without our consent?

And what about 5G – Is it really safe?

Typical 5G mast in a street
Mobile 5G
A picture says a 1000 words
Physicians Against 5G
(Forbes 2021)
mW (milliWatt)
This is the combined output of a 5G mast array ICNIRP guidance is 1mw/cm2
Each 5G mast requires approximately 3x more power than a 4G mast (as much as 73 typical homes)

Will we look back and view 5G in the same way as Asbestos and Smoking?

Asbestos Baking Paper Magazine Advert
1950s Vintage Cigarette advertising

Telecom Mast Radio Frequency Hazard Warning Sign

"In the beginning of a change the truthful man is a scarce man. Brave and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be truthful." - slightly modified from Mark Twain`s original quote

The ACHES website acts as a forum for the discussion of relevant views and perceptions and the views expressed may not necessasrily be the same as views held by ACHES itself